Thursday, July 31, 2008

I've been tagged!!!

I'vE bEeN tAgGeD!!!

I've been #3 Tag, so here it goes,
3 Joys - finishing another semester of school
playing with my cute little neices and nephews
being loved by my wonderful family and friends
3 Fears - getting caught eating an entire tub of ice cream by my roommates
Failing lame music history classes...or any class for that matter
i'll find bed bugs in my sheets and they'll bite me at night
3 Current Obsession/Collections - John Mayer...his music of course
School books (not an obsession, i just happen to collect them
cause i cant sell them back)
Blogging and facebook
3 Random Surprising Facts - I REALLY am a happy person despite what school makes me
appear to be
I enjoyed my music theory class today (dont tell anyone)
I cleaned my kitchen today...well at least i did the dishes
Tag to: Camie, Sarah, Zach.

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